As a former Navy SEAL I understand the necessity of working hard and pushing yourself to the limits so that you can professionally be the best. We put in countless training hours and perform hundreds of live fire evolutions in order to prepare us for ”real world” situations. But what about the battle of life that we face in our…
Now that the pandemic is in the rearview mirror, people are starting to get out and resume their public lives. I don’t know about you but the pandemic was especially hard for me because it limited my in-person interactions with my friends and family. As humans, we are social creatures made to exist in community. I have heard countless stories…
When financial executive, John Goldman, had the opportunity to attend Financial Partners of Upstate NY’s annual kickoff meeting, he jumped at the opportunity to draw new inspiration and learn from the event’s speakers. He was particularly interested in hearing the stories of former Navy SEAL Phillip Koontz and how he uses his military experience to overcome adversity. “I have a…
Regardless of the outcome of the election (and 2020 as a whole), we will get through this. But we need to find a way to keep a level head as individuals and support one another as a community.
When we put a positive spin on the honest reality of what we are feeling in the now, it helps us to redesign our minds and our futures. Find 30 minutes today for Thinking Time.
Your mindset and beliefs influence the neurons in your brain, thus influencing your words and actions. In turn, these words and actions influence your brain creating a feedback loop based on this mindset.
In today’s culture of fast-paced, faceless and reactionary messaging, we are seeing an increase in “social media depression”, isolation and loneliness. The good news is that we are all capable of pulling someone out of these emotional states.
Forward momentum is good for your cognitive abilities and will help you to get unstuck. One way to shift from surviving to thriving is by not only practicing daily mental self-care, but also by not remaining stagnant.
Good mental self-care can help us learn effectively, change our circumstances, increase creativity, better our relationships, improve memory, and increase our emotional control (EQ).
One of the most important aspects of mental toughness is good cognitive self-care or taking opportunities to unplug and unwind our minds from the demands of our daily lives.