As a former Navy SEAL I understand the necessity of working hard and pushing yourself to the limits so that you can professionally be the best. We put in countless training hours and perform hundreds of live fire evolutions in order to prepare us for ”real world” situations. But what about the battle of life that we face in our personal lives? If we’re not careful the constant barrage of work and busyness can wear us thin faster than anything else.

It is equally important that we learn how to manage our time and prioritize our families and ourselves to prevent burnout. I try to do something at least one hour a day that rejuvenates and recharges my batteries so that I can give others the very best of myself. And here’s the crazy thing, I oftentimes have to put it in my calendar or it won’t happen.

If we want to perform at an optimal level in life we have to learn to balance our work lives and our personal lives. We have to set healthy boundaries around our work schedules to afford us the time necessary to take care of ourselves and our families well. So, what changes to your calendar and your daily routine need to take place in order to create a healthier balance of work and personal responsibilities?