This time of the year always chokes me up. I write this with tears in my eyes because I am so grateful to have been born in this country. Did you know that you had a 4.7% chance of being born in the United States? That statistic is staggering for me. And yet here I am walking throughout my day taking for granted the many many opportunities, blessings and luxuries I have been afforded. Can you relate?

Instead of some “Ra Ra” feel good blog, I want to encourage all of us to take a moment at the beginning of every day this month and write down two or three things were thankful for in life. This exercise will literally change the neurological pathways in your brain and help you become a more positive person. It will also change your perspective on life. So please join with me in this exercise.

I’m going to start my gratitude journal by giving thanks for my incredible wife and beautiful five children and take moments to hold them extra close.