This Election week has been intense, hasn’t it? Who am I kidding, the whole year has been pretty intense!

At this point, I suspect you’re either still fired up or burning out from it – it seems like there’s no in-between.

The most important thing you can do right now – for yourself, your family and your team – is to make sure you’re taking care of yourself and giving yourself breathing room.

Consider the following:

  • Technology is a huge culprit of our inability to rest. Our mobile devices make us more accessible to daily demands and also draw us deeper into the never-ending wormhole of the 24 hours news cycle. So, first and foremost, give your phone a rest!
  • Behavioral changes are a clear sign that you’re heading for burnout. But you have to pay attention and recognize these patterns.
  • Take rest seriously – and force yourself to take it whenever you need it.
  • Practice self-care with activities that allow you to unplug and unwind mentally from the demands of our daily lives.

Regardless of the outcome, we will get through this. But we need to find a way to keep a level head as individuals and support one another as a community.