Risk taking is an absolute necessity in our world today. For the risk adverse, it’s a necessary evil; while others welcome and embrace the process. As a United States Navy SEAL taking calculated risks was an essential part of our job. We are not thrill-seekers, throwing ourselves haphazardly in the line of fire for the sheer sake of taking risks, however, we understand that to be the best, we need to push our minds and bodies beyond their limits. This oftentimes means taking on substantial risks.

Now that I have transitioned out of the military, I still find that taking risks is a vital part of growth and success. As the owner of three businesses, I am constantly juggling my priorities and seeking to find proper balance in my life. I find myself taking strategic risks in order to remain prepared for the unknowns ahead and remain current in an ever changing culture.

I’ve also had to take many risks in my personal life as well. Many times we wait for the “perfect opportunity” to execute our plans, yet we end up discouraged because that perfect opportunity never arrived. We miss our windows of opportunity because we hesitate and allow fear to paralyze us. We fear taking risks because the outcomes are uncertain and the “what if” games we mentally play become exaggerated, overwhelming and frightening.

No successful person in this world has lived a life unscathed of risk taking. While taking risks, you will make mistakes, but don’t allow the fear of failure to prevent you from moving forward. Henry Ford said, “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Start off by taking smaller calculated risks and you will find over time that they become easier and not as terrifying. So, be bold, start small and dream big.