High performers consistently resolve the tension and disappointment of failing much differently than those they are outperforming. What is the difference? They are fueled by the possibility of “better” instead of being defeated by it. “When these high performers are confronted with failure, they are inspired to keep trying. They don’t judge themselves for missing the mark. Their desire and…
In my Overcoming Adversity presentation, I talk quite a bit about failing. Failure can be very paralyzing at times. What would happen if a SEAL Platoon was paralyzed by fear on a target? We would all die. Similarly, although not as severe, if we allow our failures to impede our progress, we will cease to grow and move forward in…
Pointing out one positive aspect of someone’s performance or personality and ending with another positive makes constructive feedback (the meat in the middle) more palatable.
If we are not careful, our comments can be misconstrued and the relationship could be jeopardized. I am not suggesting we walk on eggshells when giving constructive feedback, but we do need to word it carefully.
When constructed and delivered appropriately, feedback can become a very powerful tool to help accelerate growth and build powerful team dynamics.
Staying current is a leadership must because it brings to light issues so they can be discussed and dealt with.
When your car runs out of gas, do you expect it just to fill itself and drive better? Last week, we talked about building strength in order to create lasting behavioral change. If you want to experience enduring change, you will first need to seek help for your own needs which can only be done in the context of real,…
Many motivated and well-intended people will attempt to stop bad habits and destructive behavior by coming up with checklists and itemized to-do lists of what they plan on “doing” to stop them.
Can you imagine not needing to control your reactions to stress because you didn’t have harmful reactions to stress at all? What if you didn’t have to bite your tongue during challenging conversations because you knew how to control the responses coming out of your mouth? That is what real growth is about. It’s not about managing old behaviors, but…
When we can harness this power of connection, we will begin to reach new heights and accomplish much more than we ever thought was possible.