Giving constructive feedback can be difficult, but using the sandwich method, you can offer feedback that’s much easier to swallow.

In the sandwich method, the two slices of bread are the positive comments and the meat in the middle is the negative (I know it sounds like a boring sandwich, but let’s just stick with the meat for now).

Pointing out one positive aspect of someone’s performance or personality and ending with another positive makes constructive feedback (the meat in the middle) more palatable.

If this method seems too scripted or unauthentic, then I would suggest role-playing and practicing it before you have your meeting.

Once you make this a habit – once you learn how to flex that feedback muscle – it will become second nature.

And if you find yourself in a defensive stance before the meeting, wait until you have cooled down before engaging the other person. Defensiveness (whether you are on the giving or receiving end of constructive feedback) is a surefire way to sabotage the conversation before it even starts.