Do you ever wonder if you are on the road to exhaustion?  If so, you’re NOT alone!  Keep reading (if you have the energy)…

Imagine this scenario with me….. It’s Monday morning and as you first open your eyes and begin to roll out of bed you wonder if you even have the energy to make it until lunch. The week, let alone the day, seems too much to tackle and you wonder how long you can survive on autopilot.

Most people will experience this at some point. For some, these feelings last only a short while, but for others, they can linger on for weeks, months, or even years. 

We often lose the joy of life and feel burned out because we focus on what we’re doing rather than who we really are. In other words, we pay more attention to the outcome than the process.

We live in a culture where our value is often derived from what we do and how well we do it. This orientation can creep into our personal and professional lives where we get caught up in a cycle of striving and producing.

Our mental and emotional health, however, cannot depend on what we are doing or achieving. Our true identities are not found in what we do or what we accomplish. 

This holiday season, pause for a moment and take a personal inventory. Are you in danger of burnout from constantly going and doing? If so, schedule 5-10 minutes of focused time every day to take a breath, slow down and ask yourself, “Who am I becoming?”.