In the last couple of weeks we have been talking about burn out, and this week I want to talk about an antidote to burn out. It’s called Breathing Room.

I define “breathing room” as: The space between our current pace and our limits.  This applies to our schedules, our finances, our emotional energy, and our relationships.  For too many people we live life right on the edge and there isn’t enough breathing room. 

A recent study reveals the top 2 regrets of those who were in hospice care and only had a few weeks/days to live.  They are:

2. “I wish I had made more time for my family instead of working all the time.”

1. “I wish I wasn’t always so busy.”

Wow. So powerful.

If you agree that Time is one of the most valuable things in your life, then  ask yourself these two questions:

1) Is there an area of my life when I am allowing someone or something to determine what my priorities should be?

2) What is one thing I can do this week to begin to create breathing room in my life?

Life is better with Breathing Room.