In my last post, I talked about a breathing exercise we can all use to reduce stress. In this post, I want to give one more example called Progressive Relaxation. Here’s how:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, with your head supported.
  2. Start breathing slowly and deeply.
  3. Let your entire body relax. Release all tension and try to visualize your body getting progressively more relaxed with each breath.
  4. Systematically tense and release each part of your body. Start with your feet and legs. Curl your toes and flex your calves and thighs while counting to 10. Now, release them. Note the difference between the tense and relaxed states. Next, tense your stomach and chest to the count of 10. Then relax them and feel the difference. Continue with your butt, then your arms and hands, then your neck and finally your face.

Try practicing the progressive relaxation technique with your entire body twice a day. It shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes total. You will be surprised at how quickly you can learn to relax — even in the most stressful situations.