
Summer Fun in the Sun: Prioritizing Family Time and Rest

As the summer months commence, it’s essential to remember the importance of taking a step back from our busy lives to prioritize our well-being. In our fast-paced world, burnout and fatigue are common issues that can significantly impact our mental and physical health. To combat these challenges and maintain our motivation at work, it’s crucial to carve out time for…

Personal Life Balance

As a former Navy SEAL I understand the necessity of working hard and pushing yourself to the limits so that you can professionally be the best. We put in countless training hours and perform hundreds of live fire evolutions in order to prepare us for ”real world” situations. But what about the battle of life that we face in our…

The Dust Has Settled

Now that the pandemic is in the rearview mirror, people are starting to get out and resume their public lives. I don’t know about you but the pandemic was especially hard for me because it limited my in-person interactions with my friends and family. As humans, we are social creatures made to exist in community. I have heard countless stories…


As leaders, we MUST learn to prioritize the important and urgent tasks during our work day.  Otherwise, we’ll waste valuable time and energy, putting out fires that aren’t relevant to our main goals.  Too often, we allow ourselves to become distracted with the urgent, unimportant tasks – which in the SEAL Teams, distracts from the overall mission objectives and could…