Author page: Phil Koontz

Caring for your team

Great Leaders Care

Over the next several weeks, I will be pointing out certain qualities of great leaders. This week, I will focus on how great leaders truly care about those they lead and oftentimes put others’ needs and self-interests above their own. It’s easier said than done, but when a leader prioritizes the well-being of others, something remarkable happens in return. Those…

dart board goals

SMART Resolutions

Have you ever heard of SMART goals? The concept of SMART goals is one that I teach in my webinars. And the great news is that the concept applies as much to New Year’s resolutions as it does to long-term goals. So let’s quickly break down what SMART resolutions would look like:  S – Specific: Goals must be specific and…

don't quit new year's resolutions

Overwhelmed by Resolutions

Do you already feel overwhelmed and pressured to make New Years resolutions? Historically, do you usually fall short in carrying out your lofty resolutions? Don’t feel bad because most of us do. And more importantly, it’s not a reason to quit! When talking about resolutions one thing sticks out in my mind…. As a former SEAL, many people ask me for…