A Buffalo towers over most animals at heights of up to 7 ft tall, about half the height of an African Elephant. He can be 12.5 ft long from head to rump.

He can sometimes grow to a weight of over 3000 lbs, roughly the weight of a midsize vehicle.

He has the ability to sprint at a pace quicker than most horses, and also capable of hurdling fences up to 6 ft tall.

Thick fur covers him to survive the harsh winters across North America.

But none of that is what really sticks out to me…

The most impressive thing about the Bison is what he does when a storm approaches.

When the skies begin to darken and the thunder begins to echo over the hills…

When the wind brings the smell of falling precipitation across his nose and he knows a storm is coming his way…

He does not cower or seek refuge, he does not huddle together with others and wait for it to pass…

He does not turn — but he does run…

Into the storm.

He attacks the storm.

He welcomes it.

He literally runs directly toward the rain, the lightning, the thunder, high winds, and snow.

He knows that he can’t outrun it.

He knows that it won’t just go away if he ignores it and hunkers down.

And he knows it will be far more uncomfortable and last much longer if he tries to wait it out.

He knows that the sooner he gets through it to the other side, the sooner he can return to grazing beneath the sun.

He runs directly into the storm to get through it.

So the next time you’re faced with a storm in your own life — whether in your business, your relationships, your finances or your health…

Instead of running from it…

Instead of trying to hide from it…

And rather than pretending it doesn’t exist…

Run into it.