Some call it your max capacity, but however you term it, I can ensure peak performance without burnout once you find your ideal operating threshold. This is how Navy SEALs can operate at such a high capacity.
A car engine is the perfect example: if a person only keeps their engine running between 0-3K RPMs the speed and performance of their automobile will never reach its greatest potential. On the other hand, if a person keeps running their engine in the “red” (usually around 7K RPMs or higher) they will burn out their engine and need major costly repairs.
Finding your ideal operating threshold can be tricky. Sometimes it will require you to say “yes“, but more often than not it will require you to say “no.” As leaders, it is a constant struggle to find that perfect ebb and flow of productivity, but once we find it and learn how to consistently operate in it, you will prevent burnout and bring your expertise to the next level.
As summer winds down and school starts back up, let’s intentionally work on finding our ideal operating threshold. Do you need help finding that balance in your life? Email me at: I’d love to help.