Technology – our phones and mobile devices, in particular – has given us the false promise of being more flexible in our jobs, but the opposite is true.

Technology is a huge culprit of our inability to rest.

Our phones chain us to our work and create the expectation that we will always be accessible to our clients, colleagues and even our children. Part of learning to rest is first creating boundaries with our phones.

I would be totally remiss if I didn’t say that I am guilty of being tethered to my phone too. But I’m working on it.

I am getting better at putting my phone down when spending family time and not checking it first thing in the morning. I encourage you to do the same.

Put the phone away when you are relaxing or spending time with loved ones. Many families have a box that cell phones go in when it’s time for dinner or time to hang out as a family, for example. Removing the demands of work and putting away our phones is a practical first step to learning to rest well.

If you want to rest, you have to take it. So, give your phones – and yourself – a rest!