Self control plays a vital role in battling temptations.  What words come to your mind when you hear the words “self control.”  For some of us, we roll our eyes and think of our many failed New Years resolution attempts.  For others, words such as “willpower,” “confidence,” and “determination” cross our minds.  For me, I build self control one small step at a time.  If I exercise self control over the small things (not eating a candy bar after my workout), then the larger things in life become easier.  Sometimes the temptation is so great, I simply have to flee the situation or redirect my thoughts- which also builds self control.  The dictionary defines self control as: “the ability to control oneself, in particular one’s emotions and desires or the expression of them in one’s behavior, especially in difficult situations.”  If you are a person of faith, pray for self control.  In Galatians chapter 5 it lists self control as one of the fruits of the Spirit. So, this week (as crazy as this sounds) create small situations and scenarios for you to exercise your self control muscles.  If you give in, keep going and try again.  Focus on the end goal, which is also called perspective.  I will discuss the second important aspect to overcoming temptations next week: perspective.