One Word

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One Word

Our words are powerful.  They have the ability to build up or tear down. In the SEAL Teams I have used my words as both- to encourage and help people, and to ridicule and humiliate them.  I was recently challenged to pick one word or phrase that I want to signify the new year.  I gave this word quite a bit of thought and came up with ‘enough.’  I am a “make it happen” kind of guy and am constantly striving in all areas of my life. Sometimes I need to remember that I have limits and need to be reminded that I am enough (despite my constant drive for improvement and success).  What is your word?  What word do you want to ground you throughout the year?  Maybe you could even set a reminder on your phone in 6 months of your word and see the benefit a single word can make in your 2017.  

“Words can inspire and words can destroy. Choose yours well.” Robin Sharma

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