Failing vs. Failure

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Failing vs. Failure

During the 6 years I was a Navy SEAL I have learned there is a very big difference between failing and failure.  Failing is an important part of life that teaches us perseverance, hard work and determination.  Ironically, failing is actually necessary if we want to succeed because it teaches us valuable lessons. Just because we fail at something doesn’t mean we are failures. In SEAL training, I didn’t give myself the option to quit.  I told myself I would rather die (especially since I know where I am going) than quit.  However, during my time in the Teams, I failed many times- it is what made me a better operator.  So remember, just because you fail doesn’t mean you are a failure.  And if you find yourself in a season of life where you are failing more often, that doesn’t mean you should quit.  Success is most likely right around the corner- HANG IN THERE.

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Failure is an event, not a person.
