Tag: relationship

Great Leaders Share

I have operated and worked under many different types of leadership and one thing really stands out…. great leaders are willing to share ideas and welcome others’ ideas and input. In a culture where people trust each other and feel safe, they also feel more open to share ideas and have the team’s best interests in mind. They are less…


Hard Conversations

I have spoken before about conflict resolution and how we can leverage conflict to help us grow stronger together. I love the quote from Chuck Swindoll that says, “If we confront someone, we should have one goal in mind: restoration, not embarrassment.” As leaders, our job is to empower those we lead and build them up – not stifle them.…

frozen ice crystals

Are You Frozen?

Are you frozen? Chances are pretty good that someone has “frozen” you out at some point in time or that you have chosen to freeze someone else. Not literally, but figuratively. Many times, we choose to freeze people by only remembering them by their mistakes.  By doing this, we never grant them the opportunity to change. No one needs to…